Oliver Luka
Genre : Local, City : , Country : Malawi
Oliver Luka Local music artist (born November 1989) in Ntcheu T/A Mphambala (Ntoda Health Centre) Now based in Lilongwe Capital City of Malawi (AREA 50) I have been performing in many parts singing in church and school. I formed my own home studio known as OLIVER STUDIOS but I could not afford to purchase latest equipment’s. I have been recording many songs in my life and in different studios like 1. BALAKA STUDIOS________ PRODUCER Rod Valamanja 2. MBENJERE STUDIOS______PRODUCER Panganani Njerengo 3. ROY B STUDIOS__________PRODUCER Emmanuel Moyo Till I released my first album NDIPEPESE in 2015 recorded at Oliver Studios by Panganani Njerengo that carried best song
Oliver Luka Local music artist (born November 1989) in Ntcheu T/A Mphambala (Ntoda Health Centre) Now based in Lilongwe Capital City of Malawi (AREA 50) I have been performing in many parts singing in church and school. I formed my own home studio known as OLIVER STUDIOS but I could not afford to purchase latest equipment’s. I have been recording many songs in my life and in different studios like 1. BALAKA STUDIOS________ PRODUCER Rod Valamanja 2. MBENJERE STUDIOS______PRODUCER Panganani Njerengo 3. ROY B STUDIOS__________PRODUCER Emmanuel Moyo Till I released my first album NDIPEPESE in 2015 recorded at Oliver Studios by Panganani Njerengo that carried best song
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